Thursday, February 8, 2007

Why Do I Bother?!

Im nt sure why i have a blog in the first place. I guess i created one becoz everyone has one? Haha. Anyway,it was a boring say today.. Had law class and as usual our law lecturer Mr.Anan 'talked cock' most of the time. Tryin to waste our time. After class,krys (baby) and i went to Asia Cafe with Rakesh. He went to visit his gurl Rosie so we tagged along. It was my first time at Asia Cafe. People have been telling how cool it was. Well,when i got there it wasnt what i expected. But it was alrite. Played pool fr a lil while,wanted to play foosball but Rakesh was in a hurry to c his gurl. While waitin fr Rakesh n Rosie,krys n i sat and talked and spent 'quality time' together. When Rakesh n Rosie finally finished makin out(about 30 mins). We went back to KDU coz krys had dance rehearsal. Valentines comin soon! Im broke! HELP!!!